It is indeed good news that many media publications have announced the ‘private visit’ to China by His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s emissary Samdhong Rinpoche. As a Tibetan who wishes for the Tibet issue to be resolved during the lifetime of the Dalai Lama, it is important for the Dalai Lama and all Tibetans this visit happened. Of course I will not read too much into this because it is just beginning stages and China is a hard nut to crack, but at least there is a beginning. Since Lobsang Sangay’s term, he has not done anything to activate the talks with China to our chagrin. This is our prime concern. This is the prime job of the so called Tibetan government in Exile or CTA (Central Tibetan Administration) in Dharamsala. Their prime job is to solve the Tibet issue during the lifetime of the Dalai Lama. If the Dalai Lama is not here, heaven forbid, no other leader can unify Tibetans into one nation because the CTA does not groom leaders of international abilities. That is just how Tibetans are. So I have listed out 12 points which I wish to share with everyone.
- We all know His Holiness the Dalai Lama wishes to return to Tibet that is why all these years he has remained as a refugee without becoming an Indian citizen. We must help him return to China/Tibet at least for a visit.
- Dalai Lama does not want to have independence and wants full Tibetan autonomy under China. So the Tibetans who protest and fight for independence are against the wishes of His Holiness. Tibetans should stop criticizing China and stop protesting against China and start reaching out to make friends. If this is done, it will make it easier for the Dalai Lama to negotiate further through his envoys.
- By Tibetans criticizing, degrading and flinging nasty words at China will not hurt China in any way but will irritate them to not negotiate with Dalai Lama regarding Tibet. If you want something from someone, you must be polite. Criticizing China is the same effect as flinging an egg at Mt Kailash to hurt Mt Kailash. No effect.
- Even if 6 million Tibetans decide to fight against China, how can they win against 1.2 billion? It is illogical and it will be massacre time. No country in the world will give finances, arms and soldiers to help Tibetans fight China. The United Nations and every country agrees Tibet is a part of China. So fighting for independence is a suicide and a waste of time.
- Even great India cannot help the Tibetans get Tibet back from China. India cannot interfere with China’s internal issues and India also agrees with the One China policy and that Tibet belongs to China. So do not pressure the Indian government to help Tibet. Be grateful the Indian government gave a home to the Tibetan refugees for the last nearly 60 years and don’t ask more of India. Tibetans must not be greedy.
- Dalai Lama is getting old and he wishes to visit Tibet and the 6 million Tibetans waiting for him. Envoy Samdhong Rinpoche has gone to China not for a holiday, pilgrimage or meeting friends. Impossible. Samdhong Rinpoche is a high profile person who has criticized China for years and there is no way he can simply just go and China wouldn’t issue a visa on his refugee passport. People who criticize China are denied a visa. For Samdhong Rinpoche to go to China must have had the Dalai Lama’s, India’s and China’s permission. The only reason Samdhong Rinpoche is going there is to negotiate a visit to China by the Dalai Lama. If the visit to China works out well, then Dalai Lama may be granted permission to visit Tibet eventually. So at this time we must make sure Dalai Lama visits China as he is ageing very much. “The Wire”, “Tibetan Journal”, “Phayul” and “The Tribune” have all reported Samdhong Rinpoche visited China. CTA’s ‘president’ Lobsang Sangay has confirmed Samdhong Rinpoche’s visit to China as the Dalai Lama’s envoy. So this fact is confirmed. CTA or Tibetan govt likes to keep all this a secret, but Tibetans are well known for not being able to keep secrets.
- For nearly 60 years the Dalai Lama cannot visit China/Tibet and all his policies, ideas and methods did not work. Dalai Lama traveled all over the west drumming up support for Tibet to gain independence and it has failed. The western leaders and Japan all are not meeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama anymore as they want business with China. Business with China means billions being poured into their economies. The main concern of all governments is to improve the economies of their nations. Whether we like that or not is not the point. The countries banning the Dalai Lama are increasing. Ironically most of the Buddhist countries like Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand have banned the Dalai Lama and he cannot visit. Maybe many people do not like the fact the Dalai Lama is losing support from governments but that is just the fact. China is rising to become the number one economy and super-power of the world and this will continue till they surpass even the USA. Even the USA are clambering to make friends with China. This trend will increase. USA being friends with Tibet for the last 20-30 years was a feel good factor, but now it does not feel good anymore due to their heavy recession and economic slump. What does the US get in return for helping Tibet? Nothing. Voters want jobs, business, trade and profit and USA leadership must provide this. USA has used military intervention to fight in countries such as Panama and the Middle East where their interests lie. But USA will never use force or military intervention for Tibet and it has never since 1959. USA has provided billions in aid to the Dalai Lama and our regime in Dharamsala but even that is being threatened under the current US president. How long does the world need to assist, aid and give money to Tibetans? When do the Tibetans make our own money and stand up for ourselves as being in India for nearly 60 years? Why are there no world famous secular Tibetan doctors, entertainers, scientists, media personalities, explorers till now coming from the exiled Tibetans in India and from around the world? Because the regime in Dharamsala did not have the foresight to train our people in this but only depended on free aid. The Central Tibetan Administration or CTA as they called the regime in Dharamsala which ‘governs’ the Tibetans in India and influences the Tibetans around the world created a group of people dependent on aid and free money since 1959. Their only focus has been religion as our God-King or Head is a monk namely His Holiness the Dalai Lama. That may have worked until 1959 in Tibet but obviously it will not work now. Being a monk for a leader, he will have no knowledge of developing his nation to that of the secular status of other nations. The proof is in the pudding, hence Tibetans in India after being refugees for 60 years still depend on foreign aid to survive. The hundreds of employees of our CTA regime in Dharamsala receive their salary that comes from the billions in aid from the US government. The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in Dharamsala has created a few generations of Tibetans who wait for handouts just like themselves. This is shameful.
- By countries being friends with the Dalai Lama and fighting the Tibetan cause will gain nothing for their people. We can talk about China’s human rights violations as much as we want, but we cannot govern our countries according to western views of human rights. Democracy is a concept that needs to be molded to suit each country’s unique situation. The democracy in India is different than that of the UK, USA and Japan. So people need to stop looking at democracy according to western standards because more of us are not westerners. Westerners need to stop imposing their value, democracy, way of life, religion, culture on the rest of the world. Colonialism should come to an end. USA should give America back to the Native American Indians. Alaska should be returned to the Eskimos. Australia should be returned to the Aborigines and so on. Western imperialism has colonized India, many countries in Africa, Hong Kong, Philippines, Vietnam, South America and the list goes on. So westerners and their values should just remain with them. China must evolve their own system of government free of outside intrusions like India did. When India finally fought and won independence from imperial Britain, the British said India cannot govern its own people without Britain. That is western arrogance again. But India did fine and will continue to do fine. India cannot govern India according to British or western standards because India is unique on its own. Same for China. To cry human rights against China is a waste of time. Let China find her own methods without outside interference. Simple.
- It is important we allow Dalai Lama’s envoy to further negotiate with China and we assist this along. We should offer words of support, prayers, pujas and good wishes. It is simple, His Holiness the Dalai Lama wishes to visit China and eventually Tibet, so let his wishes come true. He deserves this very much. With regards to the Dorje Shugden issue which needs to be resolved, I find it ironic that Tibetans are ‘not encouraged’ to have associations with China or they are labelled a traitor and therefore segregated. This is the divide and rule tactic of the CTA regime. But now that Samdhong Rinpoche is making relations with China, the rest of us can also do same and to call Dorje Shugden followers derogatory names if they are friendly with China will only jeopardize the negotiations as China is open to all religions and do not discourage Dorje Shugden. The leaders of China are atheists but do not allow religion to divide or segregate people. The CTA regime uses the Dorje Shugden issue to divide and segregate Tibetans since 1996. Furthermore the Independence (Rangzen) seekers within Tibetans have to decide if they are on the Dalai Lama’s side for autonomy (umay-lam) or against Dalai Lama and continue to pursue independence which is not viable. It is important that the Tibetan leadership will stop criticizing China to the media, on lectures and individually and encourage their people to restrain also so the negotiations can go through well.
- Lobsang Sangay likes to say that if India will not help Tibetan gain independence from China, what happened to Tibet will happen in India. That is totally impossible in a million years. India is just as powerful, large, armed and intelligent as China. India’s armed forces are just as powerful and extensive as China’s. There is no way this can happen. India’s population is as many as China’s. And India has a working, functional and powerful government. Tibet in 1959 had none of those. Tibet was lost because of bad leadership, lack of exposure, high illiteracy rate, serfdom and the corruption within the government was so deep, it sold its own country off. The Tibetans in exile are the same now. The tiny minuscule ‘government’ of Tibet in Dharamsala is beyond pathetic with their disharmony, greed and corruption. If you want to know more, read Tibetsun (dot) com for all of the Tibetan ‘government’s’ intrigues. Tibetans are disappointed.
- India and the world owes nothing to the Tibetans. Tibetans owe India and many countries in the world so much for the help, financial aid, land, safety and citizenship and refuge for nearly 60 years. Tibetans should stop making demands of India and solve their own problems. India and the world did not make Tibet lose their country because Tibetans did it themselves and so they should solve it themselves.
- It is good news Samdhong Rinpoche went to China and let’s hope his negotiations will be ongoing and succeed in bringing His Holiness the Dalai Lama to a visit to China and eventually to Tibet. As His Holiness the Dalai Lama visits China and eventually Tibet, this will definitely help in Sino-Indian relations because the Dalai Lama has been a thorn in the side for Sino-Indian relations if the truth is told. If China was harboring an Indian that was considered a separatist in China and giving refuge to hundreds of thousands of his supporters in China, would India be pleased with this? Never mind if Dalai Lama is actually a splittist or separatist but that is how he is viewed by China. So we have to see both sides. Of course I support the Dalai Lama but I have to be pragmatic according to world and China’s political views.
One interesting point to note is the Tibetans and their supporters within India and around the world who seek complete Independence (rangzen) of Tibet from China are silent on this recent visit of Samdhong Rinpoche to China. Dalai Lama wishes to have an autonomy of Tibet within China. There is a faction of Tibetans who claim to be not against the Dalai Lama but are overtly against his middle way policy (umay-lam) of autonomy. To speak against the Dalai Lama in Tibetan society is taboo and will invite segregation, insults and violence. No one is allowed to oppose the Dalai Lama’s views on governance, religion or culture in any way although they call themselves a democracy. So the independence seekers otherwise known as rangzen movement are silent and obviously not happy about this development. They do not agree with Dalai Lama at all. Not a word from them on social media. They have a distorted view that Tibet can be taken from China and become independent again. How is this possible? The best chance for Tibetan culture, religion and way of life to be preserved within Tibet is to become friends with China. Then China will loosen their policies on Tibet in time. The world has agreed Tibet is a part of China and it will remain this way. The rangzen people do not accept this and automatically they place themselves against the Dalai Lama. Samdhong Rinpoche famously said that the rangzen independent movement groups are very dangerous.
The Dalai Lama Wants to Return Home

An article published by “The Wire” on 4th December 2017. Click to enlarge. (Source:

Comments left by various people on “The Wire”. Click to enlarge. (Source:

Click to enlarge. (Source:
Dalai Lama’s Envoy Samdhong Rinpoche Discreetly Visited China

Published 5th December 2017. The Dalai Lama’s personal envoy Samdhong Rinpoche went on a private visit to China. It was suggested in “The Wire” that while Samdhong Rinpoche was in China, it is more likely that he met up with You Quan – the newly-appointed head of the United Front Work Department that oversees Tibetan affairs. It is also said that You Quan is a close associate of President Xi. Click to enlarge. (Source:
Dalai Lama headed to China on a pvt visit?

On 15th December 2017, “The Tribune” published an article titled “Dalai Lama headed to China on pvt visit?”. But not long after that, had asked them to change the title to “Former Tibetan government head visited China recently”. Former head would refer to Samdhong Rinpoche of course. The title can be changed but the fact remain the same that the envoy Samdhong Rinpoche was sent to negotiate with China. The negotiations must be regarding the status of Tibet and a possible visit in the future by the Dalai Lama. For the envoy Samdhong Rinpoche to visit China he would have needed India’s permission, China’s approval and of course sent by Dalai Lama himself. After all, Samdhong Rinpoche holds a refugee passport issued by India and he will need a visa to enter China. A high profile person like him cannot just simply enter China’s immigration undetected. It would be safe to assume Samdhong Rinpoche didn’t visit China, whom he has criticized for decades, to just simply visit a Buddhist site, holiday or meet up with friends. China would not easily grant him a visa for any other purpose as he is considered a dissident. He would have a purpose and a prior agreement with the Chinese government. The fact that Samdhong Rinpoche went to China to have dialogue with the Chinese government still gives hope to an eventual positive development for both sides. Lobsang Sangay has failed miserably during his two terms as head of CTA to secure talks with China and most probably out of desperation the Dalai Lama has sent a fellow monk Samdhong Rinpoche to negotiate with China. The Dalai Lama is ageing and resolution must come about soon. The main purpose of the CTA is to resolve the Tibet issue which is now entering into nearly 60 years unresolved issue. Click to enlarge. (Source:
Cautious Sangay says Samdhong Rinpoche made a “private visit” to China

Published on 15th December 2017. is the mouthpiece of the Tibetan government in exile otherwise known as Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). also picked up the news of Samdhong Rinpoche’s visit to China. The news has spread throughout the Tibetan communities throughout the world giving some sort of hope to the Tibetans. The Tibet issue will not be resolved with the current policies of the CTA regime in Dharamsala. It has been nearly six decades of failure. So they will have to change their tactic to appease China. Tibet is within China and no other nation will be able to ‘rescue’ Tibet or assist in any way. Tibetans must help themselves by negotiating with China. Click to enlarge. (Source:
Clarification posted by the CTA on their official Facebook page

Published on 15th December 2017. Facebook page is run by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in Dharamsala, North India, also the headquarters of the Dalai Lama. posted to clarify that the reporter of “The Tribune” made a mistake regarding the article and it has been corrected. The mistake is the Dalai Lama did not visit China but his envoy Samdhong Rinpoche went to China for visit to negotiate on behalf of the Dalai Lama. It has been a stalemate in talks between the Dalai Lama’s people and China for over a decade. If the Tibet issue is not settled during the lifetime of the Dalai Lama, it will be difficult to settle because no other Tibetan leader has been groomed to match the political abilities of the Dalai Lama. Click to enlarge.
‘Former Tibetan government head visited China recently’

Published on 14th December 2017. “The Tribune” was asked by the CTA to change the title and content of the article. Thus this is “The Tribune” article after it has been corrected. Samdhong Rinpoche has gone to China after a decade of stalemate to negotiate with China. In the cards are a possible visit of the Dalai Lama to China and eventually Tibet in the future. Click to enlarge. (Source:
Further developments: The Tibetan people tricked again
On 4th December 2017, The Wire, a popular Indian news website published a story that lifted the spirits of the Tibetan people around the world. The report, authored by P. Stobdan, announced that the Dalai Lama’s personal envoy, Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche had visited China. This itself is a remarkable milestone given the length of time when a high Tibetan official last went to China on what can only be an official visit regardless of how dressed-down the visit was. As a personal envoy of the Dalai Lama, it would only be natural for Samdhong Rinpoche, who is also ex-Prime Minister of the Central Tibetan Administration (Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala), to be regarded by the Chinese government as a ‘de facto separatist’. This bearing in mind that the Chinese government had over the decades regarded the Dalai Lama as a dangerous ‘separatist’, and that Samdhong Rinpoche himself had spent years encouraging anti-China sentiments. And yet, Samdhong Rinpoche was allowed into China so easily which can only mean that the Chinese government approved the visit.
These factors combine to lead the Tibetan people and their global supporters to conclude that Samdhong Rinpoche’s visit was a precursor to an impending visit by the Dalai Lama. This is big news because visiting China has been a personal wish the Dalai Lama has expressed on many occasions and it would bring great joy to the Tibetan people to see the Dalai Lama fulfilling that dream. In fact, many Tibetans have self-immolated to spur this dream on.
In addition, a Dalai Lama visit would also indicate that the Tibetans in exile might once again be able to see their beloved land, a dream that has spanned more than half a century. At first, many could not believe their ears about the news of Samdhong Rinpoche going to China but then confirmation came from Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay, the highest-ranking political official in the Tibetan government. His confirmation, issued through Phayul (essentially the CTA’s mouthpiece), was taken as an authentication of the news. It was official and the Tibetan people’s hopes of returning to their beloved Tibet was reignited after a decade of stagnation. It would have been an opportunity for all Tibetans to unite and fall behind a common goal and for all to put differences aside to achieve the most important goal.
Sadly, on 19th December 2017, a full 15 days after news of Samdhong Rinpoche’s visit first broke, Samdhong Rinpoche crushed this new hope by announcing that he had not visited China and neither was a visit by the Dalai Lama to China likely.
Samdhong Rinpoche’s statement to highlights a number of very important observations:
- We see how disrespectful Samdhong Rinpoche, a very senior Tibetan leader, is towards the Tibetan people. He can so insensitively douse the hopes of the Tibetans in an instant. This is after decades of failures and countless false promises made by the Tibetan leadership to its own people. The Tibetan people have trusted the CTA and until today, most have chosen life as a poor refugee with no foreseeable future instead of taking up Indian passports (which many are entitled to), to retain more of their “Tibetaness”. Instead of recognizing that sacrifice, Samdhong led everyone to believe in this new hope for two weeks and then recklessly crushed everyone’s hopes with no explanation or apology.
- In fact, why wait for two weeks before correcting an error? One can only imagine that Samdhong Rinpoche waited two weeks because he was actually in China. With its internet firewall, he did not hear about Lobsang Sangay’s confirmation of his visit until he left China two weeks later, and that is when he issued the statement of denial that he had ever travelled there. But during the time he was supposedly not in China, or supposedly in China, how come no one else in Dharamsala noticed the absence or presence of one of the most recognizable faces in Tibetan politics? Surely someone else, for example Samdhong Rinpoche’s staff, would know his movements and also step up and either confirm or deny Samdhong’s whereabouts at the time. How come Lobsang Sangay himself can disregard his envoy counterpart’s whereabouts for such a long period of time, and not know for sure where he is? The fact only Lobsang Sangay and Samdhong Rinpoche are addressing this incident, and fueling more confusion in the Tibetan community, is incredibly suspicious.
- How trustworthy is the Tibetan government when two of the highest officials can so seriously err on such a simple matter? If Samdhong Rinpoche did not indeed visit China, how could Sikyong Lobsang Sangay have gotten such basic information wrong? On the other hand, if Lobsang Sangay was correct and Samdhong Rinpoche did visit China, then why would Samdhong Rinpoche tell such a blatant lie in denying his trip?
Either Sangay is lying or Samdhong is lying. Whichever one was dishonest about the matter, it is still bad news for the Tibetan people. Either the Tibetan people’s highest elected government official, Lobsang Sangay, who is supposed to lead them into a good future is deceitful. Or Samdhong Rinpoche who is supposed to represent the Dalai Lama, is insidious and sneaky. It is impossible for both Sangay and Samdhong to be right on the same subject and so deception is confirmed.
- Both Lobsang Sangay and Samdhong Rinpoche have recently been appointed by the Dalai Lama to be his personal envoys. And this is an incredibly important role because the survival of the Tibetans in exile and the success of their struggle are heavily dependent on the credibility of the Dalai Lama and the trust that the world places on him and his representatives. Not only have we seen now how one or the other is confirmed to be deceptive, but we now also see how easily the two most important persons who represent the Dalai Lama can bungle such critical matters. And this is even before they execute highly sensitive state functions that the Dalai Lama has been performing. Instantly, there is doubt not only of the Dalai Lama’s envoys’ integrity but also their competence.
If Samdhong Rinpoche and Lobsang Sangay cannot even co-ordinate on such a trivial question – where in the world was Samdhong Rinpoche? – how can they individually and together, navigate the tricky and often stormy political oceans? As a matter of fact, how many grave mistakes have they made over the decades that would have robbed the Tibetan people of good chances to win their struggle? These will be mistakes that the Tibetan people will never know about, considering the level of deception that the CTA clearly engages in. How can the Tibetan people rely on these two to continue to win global support of the Tibetan cause and deal with a very powerful China who, over the years, has demonstrated highly sophisticated diplomacy and governance?
Finally, notice how after both Samdhong and Sangay exposed each other in public, there is no effort to repair the situation and instead, the damage has been allowed to fester and grow. Either there is an ongoing rift between the two envoys or they just could not be bothered to provide a coordinated reply to salvage the CTA and Dalai Lama’s reputations.
This bungling is characteristic of the CTA who has drawn more and more criticisms and concerns over the years. Recently we witnessed the spat between Lobsang Sangay and Penpa Tsering, the ex-representative of the Dalai Lama in North America and ex-Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament. The two government leaders behaved like schoolboys and quarreled publicly over the pettiest things. In the process, they exposed how corrupt the CTA actually is, that the Sikyong can direct monies meant for the Tibetan refugees to be treated as he sees fit and clearly in contravention of basic accounting integrity.
If the best of the best of the Tibetan government is of this caliber, is it any wonder what those under them are like and is it any wonder why after 60 years in the wilderness, all the CTA can offer the Tibetan people are hyped up promises instead of clear policies and directions?
It is only common sense that before an investor invests any of his hard-earned money into a company, one of the basic things he must look at is the honesty and competency of the management. An astute investor would never place any money into a company where the top officers are proven to be dishonest, and the entire management have been proven to be incapable of coordinating and repairing costly mistakes and, scarily, not in possession of even the most basic business plan to go by. How much more costly do the investments of the Tibetan people have to be? It is not money that the Tibetan leadership have gambled away but their lives, and the lives and future of a few generations of Tibetans in exile. Call it by any name, Rangzen (independence) or Umaylam (autonomy), a bad investment is just a bad investment.
Report on Dalai Lama’s Possible Visit to China Mistaken: CTA Clarifies

Published on 15th December 2017. The CTA themselves clarify news about the Dalai Lama visiting China, by saying that it was actually Samdhong Rinpoche who went. Now Samdhong Rinpoche says he did not go. So who is lying, Lobsang Sangay and the CTA in confirming the trip or Samdhong Rinpoche in denying it? Click to enlarge (Source:
A Secret Visit and Sino-Tibetan Dialogue

Published on 19th December 2017. The Diplomat is a reputable online news magazine that covers political and cultural issues, focusing on the Asia-Pacific region. Their report opens with a strong confirmation that Samdhong Rinpoche was indeed in China. Why would The Diplomat stake their reputation on publishing false news that could be so easily disproved by Samdhong Rinpoche showing proof he was somewhere else during the time he is alleged to have been in China? They would not risk their reputation in this way so the message is clear – Samdhong Rinpoche was in China, contrary to his denials. Click to enlarge (Source:

A continuation of The Diplomat article (published 19th December 2017). Click to enlarge (Source:
Neither Dalai Lama Nor Samdhong Have or Planning a China Visit!

Published on 19th December 2017. Now the Tibetan Journal, after publishing multiple reports about Samdhong Rinpoche visiting China, has retracted to say neither lamas visited China recently. How come something as simple and momentous in Tibetan society cannot be delivered clearly and without confusion? It does not reflect well on the leadership. Click to enlarge (Source:
Samdhong Rinpoche denies visiting China, says no plans for Dalai Lama as well

Published on 19th December 2017. A full 15 days after news first breaks that he went to China, Samdhong Rinpoche finally issues a rebuttal. How come it took him more than two weeks to say anything? Where was he during this time that he could not be informed about the news that was spreading like wildfire all around the world? Click to enlarge (Source:
Did President Sangay Misinform That Samdhong Rinpoche Visited China?

Published on 20th December 2017. Another article in the Tibetan Journal highlights the confusion that all Tibetans feel about this issue. This type of confusion, animosity, lack of clarity, misinformation and poor coordination is the result of dealing with the Tibetan leadership. Click to enlarge (Source:
India Always Stood With Tibetans, Tibet Will Also Stay With India: Dalai Lama

Published on 20th December 2017. Again the Tibetan leadership adds to the confusion in Tibetan society. The Dalai Lama recently said that Tibet should be autonomous under Chinese leadership, and that Tibetan development will come from the Chinese. So how does it make sense to say that Tibetans will always stay with India? This actually reflects the lack of a clear strategy regarding the Tibetan situation. And such statements will only upset the Chinese leadership who will wonder what kind of games the Tibetan leadership is playing, when they continue to pledge support for their regional competitor, India. No wonder the Tibetan leadership has not made much progress with regards to the Tibetan situation over the last 60 years. There is no clear direction or message, or strategy. Click to enlarge (Source:
Tibet Developments May Put Pressure on India

Published on 7th January 2018. Another article calls attention to Samdhong Rinpoche’s visit to meet with Chinese officials in Kunming. China’s plans to securitize Tibet by building ‘well-off border villages’ along Tibet’s borders and expanding the road network are building pressure on India. Click to enlarge (Source: